Advancing client-centered care and outcomes in pediatric re/habilitation Heading link

At the Children’s Participation and Environment Research Lab (CPERL), we care about advancing client-centered care and outcomes in pediatric re/habilitation.

Our lab members strategically intentionally harness technology to build quality tools that accelerate family-centered, participation-focused, and data-driven decision-making within pediatric re/habilitation organizations and service delivery systems.

Here you’ll find information on our rewarding multi-site, interdisciplinary research and product development projects that benefit from authentic stakeholder engagement. You’ll also find information about our talented, diverse team and collaborators who make these projects possible.

Thinking about applying for a mentored training experience in our lab? Contact us!

CPERL celebrates 10 years Heading link

In our first decade, we have made significant strides in our work as a team, as captured through the images below.
Timeline graphic that displays a chronological sequence of events.