CPERL Welcomes Julia

We welcome Julia Sim to the CPERL team! Julia is currently completing her junior year as a psychology major, where she is also a part of the Honors College program. Julia will be completing her honors capstone in our lab over the next year or so.
Julia has already gotten off to a great start in our lab, winning the CPERL trivia at our recent 10-year lab celebration ahead of completing her first day in lab!
This Spring, Julia will be getting further oriented and assist with ongoing research that will lay a foundation for her honors capstone. Julia will begin with assisting with a revision to a book chapter on early intervention. She will then leverage her learning of this service context to assist with the completion of the second aim of our PROSPECT trial, whereby we are examining the effect of the YC-PEM paired with a decision support tool on parent and child outcomes in early intervention. Her honors capstone project will likely be designed in the context of this project.