Julia Secures CURA Award and Honors College Grant

Julia in lab holding an award.

We are ending 2021 strong! Julia has been given two UIC grants, the Chancellor's Undergraduate Research Award (CURA), and the Honors College Undergraduate Research grant. CURA is funded by the Office of Undergraduate Research to assist in student engagement in research, as well as other innovative and scholarly production on campus. The Honors College Undergraduate Research grant is funded by the UIC Honors College and supports Honors Capstone Activities and encourages undergraduate research in scientific or humanities studies.

Julia joined CPERL in the Spring of 2021 and has made significant contributions to the team. Her honors capstone project involves examining parent perspectives of barriers and facilitators in the application of the YC-PEM in Early Intervention (EI), and is one of three perspectives being examined as part of the second aim in the PROSPECT project. These awards will encourage Julia's involvement in related lab activities while completing her capstone project this year and applies to pursue graduate study in occupational therapy. We are thrilled to see what she accomplishes next - both in and outside of the lab.