Next Phase of PEM+ Development Published

This just in!  We are pleased to announce that our paper reporting on the feasibility of PEM+, a new e-health tool, has been accepted for publication in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy (AJOT). Here we describe the initial usability of the tool by parents at our partnered sites in Chicago and the Denver Metro area.  These findings informed improvements to PEM+ before additional testing.

This experience has been one I (Andrea) will never forget. This was my first opportunity to help coordinate the completion of a research project, from design to dissemination. Working closely with Jessica and the rest of the CPERL team, we spent months recruiting, collecting and analyzing these data, drafting our manuscript, and submitting (and resubmitting) it for publication.

This process has taught me valuable lessons that I will keep with me. I’ve learned to be tenacious in the face of adversity, for example when resolving technical glitches and manuscript resubmissions. Each of these tasks required us to come together as a team, evaluate how we would respond in a clear and coordinated way. Although this process was lengthy and taxing at times, I never lost sight of why we were working so hard to share our findings with others. My co-authorship on this paper has laid a foundation for my OTD capstone project that will focus on designing an enhancement to support the accessibility of PEM+ completion.