Publication alert: Caregiver Strategies Supporting Community Participation Among Children and Youth with or at Risk for Disabilities: A Mixed-Methods Study
CPERL has teamed up to publish new original research titled, Caregiver strategies supporting community participation among children and youth with or at risk for disabilities: A mixed methods study, in Frontiers of Pediatrics journal.
CPERL alumna Vera led the way in effectively engaging fellow team members (Shivani, Dianna, Mary), and collaborators, Dana Anaby and Martha Werler, employed a secondary data mixed methods design to examine the role of caregiver strategies to support community participation among children and youth with disabilities and those at-risk. Findings suggest that the insignificant effect of the number of caregiver strategies may be explained by intensified need for caregiver effort and support to develop and implement quality strategies that are responsive to community setting characteristics.