Publication Alert: Global early childhood development strategy

We want to celebrate a publication co-authored with CPERL lab director, Mary Khetani, and titled Early childhood development strategy for the world's children with disabilities. This article introduces a framework for a global early childhood development (ECD) strategy, based on a review of select national programs worldwide and relevant reports. The authors then discuss elements, including a twin-track approach of disability inclusive and disability-focused services, for implementing this framework, so that children with developmental delays can be identified in a timely manner and provided with resources from coordinated agencies to increase efficiency of quality services, including family-centered early intervention (EI) services. This work involves BIPOC-inclusive research collaboration on a global scale through the Global Research on Developmental Disabilities Collaborators, and it has been a rewarding experience to amplify this contribution through open access, which aligns with CPERL's anti-racist research plan.