Publication Alert: Mixed-methods study on stakeholder perspectives to improve YC-PEM implementation in early intervention

PROSPECT Aim 2 has reached the end of its life cycle of scholarly dissemination.
Coming soon to a special section on patient engagement in informatics in Applied Clinical Informatics (ACI): PROSPECT Aim 2, the publication entitled, Implementing an Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome and Decision Support Tool in Early Intervention.
Together with RMHS, the CPERL team, Sabrin Rizk, Vera Kaelin, and Julia Sim, and Mary Khetani, and our interdisciplinary collaborators, Elizabeth Lerner Papautsky, Beth McManus, and Natalie Leland, examined stakeholder perspectives on facilitators and barriers of implementing the Young Children's Participation and Environment Measure (YC-PEM) in an early intervention (EI) workflow.
While it is the end of one team science journey, it is the beginning for many of our team who are, or will, engage in mixed methods research with a team science approach in the future. As we await our debut in ACI, we appreciated ACI's positive peer review experience to prepare to disseminate our work in this venue and to a new target audience. We also thank AOTF for their support as we worked to advance the science of EI, one family- centered and participation-focused service plan at a time.