Publication Alert: Representation of Child and Youth Participation within the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)

We are very excited to announce the publication of our original research article titled Representation of Child and Youth Participation within the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) in Disability and Rehabilitation. This work aimed to examine 1) how much participation is represented in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), and 2) to what extent that representation reflects the definition of participation and/or its related constructs per the family of Participation-Related Construct framework. Through our work we found the need to expand ontological resources within the UMLS, to fully and exclusively represent participation dimensions (attendance and involvement) in daily life activities to enable better data analytics that reflect contemporary paediatric rehabilitation practice.
This paper brings to close Shivani's transition out of CPERL and a new beginning her respective research-engaged trajectories. Although, you can check Vera out on the dissemination circuit at the European Academy of Childhood Disability Conference in Bruges, Belgium discussing this original research in more detail.
Vera Shares: Thank you so much for this wonderful collaboration and for all your support for making this work possible. I really enjoyed working together and learning more about the UMLS and what would be needed to make it as useful as possible for participation-focused rehabilitation. A happy ‘cheers’ from Sweden!