Publication alert: Scoping review on AI in pediatric re/habilitation in JMIR

We are excited to announce our newly published article in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), the leading peer-reviewed journal for digital medicine and health and health care. In our article we present a recently conducted scoping review on the use of artificial intelligence to target child and youth participation in rehabilitation interventions. This is Vera's first published dissertation study and highlights a continuum of mentorship model within a team science framework. In this instance, Vera was co-mentored by Mary Khetani and Natalie Parde, established new interdisciplinary collaboration with Mina, a member of the NLP Lab at UIC, and formally mentored her CPERL teammate Zuri to earn her first co-authored role.
This has been our first opportunity to publish in a journal with multiple sister journals. It made us reflect on the integrity of the peer-review process in such journals, and we are grateful for getting an opportunity to fully articulate our rationale for directing this work to a specific target journal based on its scope, readership, and publishing precedence.