Reconnecting with CPERL Alum and medical illustrator Christina Sidorowych

Christina Sidorowych is a cherished CPERL alumnus who made a return to lab meeting this summer, to engage with our team in advancing prototypes of visualizations we need to advance our NSF-funded project. To our knowledge, Christina is the first of our BVIS colleagues to formally engage with OT faculty in scholarly collaboration. From student intern to OTD committee member to CPERL consultant, Christina has generously shared her talents to enrich our research. Her contributions are 'illustrated' in multiple editions of the social participation chapter for our profession's esteemed Willard and Spackman textbook, a refereed publication on best practice guidelines for culturally adapting participation-focused pediatric assessments like PEM, and on published KT products. We thank her for modeling the path for impactful OT-BVIS collaboration that has been valued by our fellow practitioners, trainees, and families in working with our digital tools and platforms, as well as our colleagues whose actions have ensured that Christina may be the first, but will not be the last, to collaborate in similar fashion.