List of publications Heading link
80. Brugnaro BH, Ferraz de Abreu RW, Lima CRG, Kraus de Camargo O, Teplicky R, dos Santos MM, Khetani MA, Rocha NACF. Home participation for infants with and without biological risk. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. doi: 10.1080/01942638.2024.2419643
79. Farzana S, Lucero I, Villegas V, Kaelin V, Khetani MA, Parde, N. CareCorpus+: Expanding and augmenting strategy data to support pediatric rehabilitation. Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Forthcoming.
78. Olusanya BO, Wright SM, Smythe T, Khetani MA, Moreno-Angarita M, Gulati S, Brinkman SA, Almasri NA, Figueiredo M, Giudici LB, Olorunmoteni O, Lynch P, Berman B, Williams AN, Olusanya JO, Wertlieb D, Davis AC, Hadders-Algra M, Gladstone MJ, on behalf of the Global Research on Developmental Disabilities Collaborators. Early childhood development strategy for the world’s children with disabilities. Front. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1390107
77. Kaelin V, Bosak DL, Saluja S, Newman Griffis D, Boyd A, Khetani MA. Representation of Child and Youth Participation within the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). Dis Rehabil. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2024.2338191
76. Rizk S, Ngui E, Salgado Z, Bosak DL, Khetani MA. Medical home care and educational services for children and youth on the autism spectrum: A scoping review. J Autism Dev Disord. doi: 10.3389/fped.2024.1345755
75. Kaelin V, Saluja S, Bosak DL, Anaby D, Werler M, Khetani MA. Caregiver strategies supporting community participation among children and youth with or at risk for disabilities: A mixed-methods study. Front Ped. doi: 10.3389/fped.2024.1345755
74. Kaelin V, Boyd A, Werler M, Parde N, Khetani MA. Natural language processing to classify caregiver strategies supporting participation among children and youth with craniofacial microsomia and childhood-onset disabilities. J Healthc Inform Res.
73. Villegas VC, Bosak DL, Salgado Z, Phoenix M, Parde N, Teplicky R, Khetani MA. Diversified caregiver input to upgrade the Young Children’s Participation and Environment Measure for equitable pediatric re/habilitation practice. J Patient Rep Outcomes.
72. Rizk S, Benevides T, Shiu C, Berg, K, Khetani MA. Are medical home care components associated with educational service use in children and youth on the autism spectrum? Front. Educ. (Special Section). doi: 10.3389/feduc.2023.1125929
71. Bosak DL, Fulford D, & Khetani MA. Formative evaluation of an entrepreneurial funding mechanism for training knowledge brokers in occupational therapy related research spaces. World Federation of Occupational Therapy Bulletin. doi: 10.1080/14473828.2023.2195602
70. Kaelin VC, Anaby D, Werler MM, Khetani MA. School participation among young people with craniofacial microsomia and other childhood-onset disabilities. Develop Med Child Neurol. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.15628
69. Rizk S, Kaelin VC, Sim JGC, Murphy NJ, Leland NE, McManus BM, Stoffel A, James L, Barnekow K, Papautsky EL, Khetani MA. Implementing an electronic patient-reported outcome and decision support tool in early intervention. Applied Clin Inform (Special Issue). doi: 10.1055/s-0042-1760631
68. Rizk S, Ngui E, Benevides T, Moerchen V, Khetani MA, Barnekow K. Is medical home primary care adequacy associated with educational service use for children and youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? BMC Pediatr.
67. Kaelin VC, Valizadeh M, Salgado Z, Sim J, Anaby D, Boyd A, Parde N, Khetani, MA. Capturing and operationalizing participation in pediatric re/habilitation research using artificial intelligence: a scoping review. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Science (Special Issue).
66. Yinusa-Nyahkoon L, Khetani MA. Social participation. In Gillen, Brown, & Ramugondo (Eds.), Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy (14th edition).
65. Magnusson D., Khetani MA. Early intervention. In Blum & Jimenez (Eds.), Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.
64. Kaelin VC, Villegas VC, Chen Y-F, Murphy N, Papautsky E, Litfin, J, Leland N, Maheshwari V, McManus B, Khetani, MA, on behalf of the High Value Early Intervention Group. Effectiveness and scalability of an electronic patient-reported outcome measure and decision support tool for family-centered and participation-focused early intervention: PROSPECT hybrid type 1 trial protocol. BMJ Open. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051582
63. Villegas V, Salgado, Z, Kaelin V, Sim J, Jarvis J, Phoenix M, Khetani MA. Progress and planned action for building an anti-racist research lab network. Association for Women in Science Magazine.
62. Kaelin VC, Valizadeh M, Salgado Z, Parde N, Khetani MA. Artificial intelligence in rehabilitation targeting participation for young persons with disabilities: a scoping review. J Med Internet Res. doi: 10.2196/25745
61. Tomas V, Srinivasan R, Kulkarni V, Teplicky R, Anaby D, Khetani MA. A structured process for culturally adapting assessments for participation-focused pediatric practice: The case of the Participation and Environment Measures (PEM). Dis Rehabil. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2021.1960645
60. Anaby D, Khetani MA, Piskur B, Van Der Holst M, Bedell G, Schakel F, de Kloet A, Simeonsson R, Imms C. Towards a paradigm shift in pediatric rehabilitation: Accelerating the uptake of participation-based evidence into routine practice. Dis Rehabil (Special Issue). doi: 10.1080/09638288.2021.1903102
59. Kaelin VC, Wallace E, Werler M, Collett B, Rosenberg J, Khetani MA. Caregiver perspectives of school participation among students with craniofacial microsomia. Am J Occup Ther. doi: 10.5014/ajot.2021.041277
58. Villegas VC, Salgado Z, Truevillian K, Kaelin VC, Khetani MA. Building an anti-racist research lab to elevate our science. Association for Women in Science Magazine.
57. Jarvis JM, Fayed N, Fink E, Choong K, Khetani MA. Caregiver dissatisfaction with their child’s participation in home activities after pediatric critical illness. BMC Pediatr. doi: 10.1186/s12887-020-02306-3
56. Albrecht E, Kaelin VC, Rigau B, Dooling-Litfin J, Scully E, Murphy NJ, McManus BM, Khetani MA, High Value Early Intervention Research Group. Pilot implementation of an electronic patient-reported outcome measure for planning and monitoring participation-focused care in early intervention. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. doi: 10.1186/s12911-020-01189-9
55. Khetani MA, McManus BM, Albrecht E, Kaelin VC, Litfin J, Scully E, High Value Early Intervention Research Group. Early intervention service intensity and young children’s home participation. BMC Pediatr. doi: 10.1186/s12887-020-02182-x
54. Kaelin VC, Wallace E, Werler M, Collett B, Khetani MA. Community participation among children and youth with craniofacial microsomia. Disabil Rehabil. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2020.1765031.
53. Jarvis JM, Kaelin VC, Anaby D, Teplicky R, Khetani MA. Electronic participation-focused care planning support for families: a pilot study. Dev Med Child Neurol. doi:10.1111/dmcn.14535
52. Kaelin VC, Bosak DL, Villegas VC, Imms C, Khetani MA. Participation-focused strategy use among caregivers of children receiving early intervention. Am J Occup Ther. doi: 10.5014/ajot.2021.041962
51. Imms C, Jarvis JM, Khetani MA, O’Connor B. Challenges and ethical considerations in measurement. In Imms and Green (Eds.), Enabling Participation in Childhood Onset Neuro-Disability. MacKeith Press.
50. Jarvis JM, Khetani MA. Unpacking contexts for participation in activities that comprise family life: Self and family. In Imms and Green (Eds.), Enabling Participation in Childhood Onset Neuro-Disability. MacKeith Press.
49. McManus BM, Murphy NJ, Richardson Z, Khetani MA, Schenkman M, Morrato EH. Family-centred care in early intervention: examining caregiver perceptions of family-centred care and early intervention service use intensity. Child Care Hlth Dev. doi: 10.1111/cch.12724
48. Richardson Z, Scully B, Litfin J, Murphy N, Rigau B, Khetani MA, McManus B. Early intervention service intensity and change in children’s functional capabilities. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2019.10.188.
47. Bosak D, Jarvis JM, Khetani MA. Caregiver creation of participation-focused care plans using Participation and Environment Measure Plus (PEM+), an electronic health tool for family-centered care. Child Care Hlth Dev. doi: 10.1111/cch.12709.
46. Rigau B, Litfin J, Scully B, Killian C, Fisher G, McManus B, Khetani MA. Building organizational capacity for research in early intervention. ZERO TO THREE Journal.
45. Jarvis J, Gurga A, Lim H, Cameron J, Gorter JW, Choong K, Khetani MA. Caregiver strategy use to promote children’s home participation after pediatric critical illness. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2019.05.034.
44. Richardson Z, Khetani MA, Scully E, Dooling-Litfin J, McManus B. Social and functional characteristics of receipt and service use intensity of core early intervention services. Acad Pediatr. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2019.02.004.
43. Jarvis JM, Choong KC, Khetani MA. Associations of participation focused strategies and rehabilitation service use with caregiver stress following pediatric critical illness. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2019;100(4):703-710. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2018.11.017
42. Jarvis JM, Gurga A, Lim H, Greif A, Anaby D, Teplicky R, Khetani MA. Usability of PEM-Plus for client-centered and participation-focused care planning. Am J Occup Ther. doi: 10.5014/ajot.2019.032235.
41. Khetani MA, McManus B, Arestad KE, Richardson Z, Charlifue-Smith R, Rosenberg C, Rigau B. Technology-based functional outcomes assessment in early intervention: a pilot study. BMC Pilot Feasibility Studies. doi: 10.1186/s40814-018-0260-1.
40. Rigau B, Scully B, Litfin J, Murphy N, McManus B, Khetani MA. Community engagement to pilot electronic patient-reported outcomes (e-PROs) in early intervention: lessons learned. J Clin Transl Sci. 2018;2(1):20-26.
39. Mirza M, Khetani MA. Preparing practitioners to support young children with special health care needs in global early childhood rehabilitation contexts. ZERO TO THREE Journal (Special Issue). 2018;38(4):76-79.
38. Khetani MA, Coster WJ. Social participation. In Schell BA, Gillen G, editors. Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy. 13th and Centennial Anniversary Special Edition. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. Forthcoming.
37. Jarvis JM, Downer B, Baillargeon J, Khetani MA, Ottenbacher KJ, Graham JE. The modifying effect of positive emotion on the relationship between cognitive impairment and disability among older Mexican Americans: a cohort study. Disabil Rehabil. doi:10.1080/09638288.2018.1432080. PMID: 29378460.
36. Khetani MA, Albrecht EA, Jarvis JM, Pogorzelski D, Cheng E, Choong KA. Determinants of change in home participation among critically ill children. Dev Med Child Neurol. doi:10.1111/dmcn.13731.
35. Choong K, Fraser D, Al-Harbi S, Borham ASM, Cameron J, Cameron S, Cheng J, Clark H, Doherty T, Fayed N, Gorter J-W, Herridge M, Khetani MA, Menon K, Seabrook J, Simpson R, Thabane L. Functional recovery in critically ill children: the ‘wee-cover’ multi-centre study. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2018;19(2):145-54. PMID: 29394221.
34. Arestad KE, MacPhee D, Lim CY, Khetani MA. Cultural adaptation of a pediatric functional assessment for rehabilitation outcomes research. BMC Health Serv Res. 2017;17(1):658. doi: 10.1186/s12913-017-2592-6. PMID: 28915817. PMCID: PMC5603009
33. Khetani MA, Lim H, Corden M. Caregiver input to optimize the design of a pediatric care planning guide for rehabilitation: descriptive study. J. Med Internet Res Rehab Assist Technol. 2017;4(2):e10. doi:10.2196/rehab.7566. PMID: 29066421. PMCID: PMC5676028
32. Lim CY, Law M, Khetani MA, Rosenbaum P, Pollock N. Psychometric evaluation of the Young Children’s Participation and Environment Measure (YC-PEM) for use in Singapore. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. doi:10.1080/01942638.2017.1347911. PMID: 28872939
31. Di Marino E, Tremblay S, Khetani MA, Anaby D. The effect of child, family and environmental factors on the participation of young children with disabilities. Disabil Health J. PMID: 28624289. doi:
30. Khetani MA, Richardson Z, McManus BM. Social disparities in early intervention service use and provider-reported outcomes. J Dev Behav Pediatr. doi: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000000474. PMID: 28723828
29. Astrom F, Khetani MA, Axelsson AK. Young Children’s Participation and Environment Measure (YC-PEM): Swedish cultural adaptation. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. doi: 10.1080/01942638.2017.1318430. PMID: 28467126
28. Albrecht E, Khetani MA. Environmental impact on young children’s participation in home-based activities. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2017;59(4):388-94.doi: 10.1111/dmcn.13360. PMID: 27988938. PMCID: PMC5334138
27. Gill SV, Khetani MA, Yinusa-Nyahkoon L, McManus BM, Gardiner L, Tickle-Degnen L. Forging alliances in interdisciplinary rehabilitation research (FAIRR): A logic model. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2017;96(7):479-86. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000654. PMID: 28628536
26. Lim C, Law MC, Khetani MA, Pollock N, Rosenbaum P. Establishing the cultural equivalence of the Young Children’s Participation and Environment Measure (YC-PEM) for use in Singapore. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. 2015;7:1-18. PMID: 26642891. PMCID: PMC5176101
25. Lim CY, Law MC, Khetani MA, Pollock N, Rosenbaum P. Participation in out-of-home environments for young children with and without developmental needs. OTJR: Occup, Particip, Health. 2016; 36(3):112-25. PMID: 27618847
24. Khetani MA. Capturing change: participation trajectories in cerebral palsy during life transitions. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2016. PMID: 27591047
23. Khetani MA. Validation of environmental content in the Young Children’s Participation and Environment Measure. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2015;96(2):317-22. PMID: 25486608. PMCID: PMC4306606.
22.*Khetani MA, Graham JE, Davies PL, Law MC, Simeonsson RJ. Psychometric properties of the Young Children’s Participation and Environment Measure (YC-PEM). Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2015;96(2):307-16. PMID: 25449189. PMCID: PMC4306635. *Top 25 Hottest Articles, 1270 views and downloads as of June.
21. Benjamin T, Lucas-Graham R, Little L, Davies P, Khetani MA. Participation in early childhood educational environments for young children with and without developmental disabilities and delays: A mixed-methods study. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. 2016;37(1):87-107. PMID: 26930134. PMCID: PMC5209297
20. Choong K, Al-Harbi S, Siu K, Wong K, Pogorzelski D, Cheng J, Clark H, Timmons B, Gorter JW, Thabane L, Khetani MA. Functional recovery following critical illness in children: The “Wee-Cover” pilot study. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2015;16(4):310-8. PMID: 25651047. PMCID: PMC4499478
19. Khetani MA, Cliff AB, Schelly C, Daunhauer L, Anaby D. Decisional support algorithm for collaborative care planning using the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY): A mixed methods study. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. 2014. PMID: 24670061
18. Daunhauer L, Gerlach-McDonald B, Khetani MA. Rules of “engagement”: Addressing participation and functional performance in children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In: Hodapp R, editor. International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities. Elsevier Inc.; 2014. p. 151–84.
17. Khetani MA, Marley J, Baker M, Albrecht E, Bedell G, Coster W, Anaby D, Law M. Validity of the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY) for Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in Sustainable Development Projects. Disabil Health J. 2014;7(2):226-35. PMID: 24680052. doi: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2013.11.003.
16. Anaby D, Law MC, Coster WJ, Bedell GM, Khetani MA, Avery L, et al. The mediating role of the environment in explaining participation of youth with and without disabilities across home, school and community. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014;95(5):908–17. PMID: 24468018.
15. Khetani MA, Graham JE, Alvord C. Community participation patterns among preschool-aged children who have received Part C early intervention services. Child Care Hlth Dev. 2013;39(4):490–9. PMID:23763250
14. Khetani MA, Cohn E, Orsmond G, Law M, Coster W. Parent perspectives of participation in home and community activities when receiving Part C early intervention services. Top Early Child Spec. 2013;32(4):234-45.
13. Coster WJ, Bedell GM, Law MC, Khetani MA, Teplicky R, Liljenquist K, et al. Psychometric evaluation of the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY). Dev Med Child Neurol. 2011;53(11):1030–7. PMID: 22014322
12. Khetani MA, Collett BR, Speltz ML, Werler MM. Health-related quality of life among children with Hemifacial Microsomia: Parent and child perspectives. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2013;34(9):661–8. PMID: 24213374. PMCID: PMC4218728.
11. Law MC, Anaby D, Teplicky R, Khetani MA, Coster WJ, Bedell GM. Participation in the home environment among children with and without disabilities. Br J Occup Ther. 2013;76(2): 58-66.
10. Coster W, Law M, Bedell GM, Liljenquist K, Kao Y-C, Khetani MA, Teplicky R. School participation, supports, and barriers of students with and without disabilities. Child Care Health Dev. 2013;39(4):535-43.
9.Bedell GM, Coster WJ, Law MC, Liljenquist K, Kao Y-C, Teplicky R, Anaby D, Khetani MA. Community participation, supports and barriers of school age children with and without disabilities. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013;94(2):315-323. PMID: 23044364
8. Khetani MA, Coster WJ (2013). Social participation. In Schell BA, Gillen G, Scaffa M, Cohn ES, editors. Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy. 12th Edition. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2013. p. 731-44.
7. Khetani MA, Orsmond G, Cohn E, Law M, Coster W. Correlates of community participation among families transitioning from Part C early intervention services. OTJR: Occup, Particip, Health. 2012;32(3):61-72.
6. Coster W, Law M, Bedell G, Khetani MA, Cousins M, Teplicky R. Development of the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth: Conceptual basis. Disabil Rehabil. 2012;34(3):238-46.
5. Khetani MA, Bedell GM, Coster WJ, Cousins M, Law M. Physical, social, and attitudinal environment. In Majnemer A, editor. Clinical and research measures for children with developmental disabilities: Framed by the ICF-CY. Mac Keith Press; 2012. p. 440-54
4. Bedell GM, Khetani MA, Coster WJ, Cousins M, Law M. Community, social, and civic life. In Majnemer A, editor. Clinical and research measures for children with developmental disabilities: Framed by the ICF-CY. Mac Keith Press; 2012. p. 416-32.
3. Bedell GM, Khetani MA, Cousins M, Coster WJ, Law M. Parent perspectives to inform development of measures of participation and environment for children and youth with disabilities. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(5):765-73.
2. Coster W, Khetani MA. Measuring participation of children with disabilities: Issues and challenges. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2008; 30(8): 639-48.
1. Khetani, M.A. & Coster, W. (2007). Clarifying the construct of ICF participation to support measurement. OTJR: Occupation, Participation, and Health, 27(1), 83S.