Mary Speaks for Japanese Society for Clinical OT

Mary delivered an invited virtual talk for the Japanese Society for Clinical OT Congress, titled The Participation and Environment Measure (PEM) approach for driving participation-focused pediatric occupational therapy culture. Mary highlighted the need for and ways that CPERL has contributed to establishing the PEM tools as valid, reliable, feasibly, acceptable and effective for use with families of children with developmental need, thereby introducing evidence-based electronic options for family-centered and participation-focused pediatric practice.
As CPERL celebrates its 10th year, Mary prepared this talk in ways that emphasize the lab's diversity and impact relative to its resources in this first decade. She took pride in highlighting the innovative contributions of its trainees relative to chosen career path and stage of development (e.g., Briana's doctoral project work to design ways to onboard members of a research group to support academic-community research partnership, Vivian, Andrea, and Zuri's capstone projects that produced evidence-based products to upgrade PEM tools, and Vera and Jessica's work to creatively design and conduct secondary analyses of large data to expand who gets included in a rehabilitation research agenda about children's participation).